In April 2023 a trip to London to visit the Houses of Parliament was arranged for our the members of our School Council. Members of the School Council asked if it would be possible to be able to walk down Downing Street. Mrs Jinks, our School Council leader, contacted Downing Street to ask if this would be possible. Incredibly we received a reply and were told it would be. A few weeks after this was organised, Mrs Jinks received another email asking if we would like to go into Downing Street for a tour as part of a new initiative providing schools the opportunity. to visit Downing Street. This was an opportunity we definitely were not going to turn down! The excitement then did not stop there, two days before visiting we were contacted once again by Downing Street who told us that Akshata Murty, the Prime Minister’s wife, would like to meet us to to welcome us.
In the afternoon the children visited The Houses Of Parliament to learn more about democracy in Britain. It was a thoroughly enjoyable and memorable experience for all involved!