The learning and teaching of science at Howard Park Community School aims to promote science as a core subject which is taught on a weekly basis across the foundation stage and key stages 1 and 2. It is seen as a practical subject that needs to be taught in a practical way (where appropriate) to stimulate curiosity, discussion and investigation. The teaching and learning of science should be linked to real world experience to encourage children to develop an understanding and enquiring mind.
Our vision is to inspire enquiring minds for the future.
The aims of science are:
- To develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding.
- To develop scientific vocabulary.
- To empower pupils to ask scientific questions to enable children to make careful observations and decisions based on justifiable reasons.
- To build on children’s natural curiosity and enable them to understand and care for the world in which they live.
- To provide pupils with an environment where they can work in an investigative way and communicate their findings.
- To encourage pupils to make decisions.
- Develop an enjoyment and fascination of science.
Science learning takes place in a variety of ways at Howard Park. Children are given the opportunity to develop knowledge, skills and an enquiring mind. This is done through formal lessons, group activities, individual work, and experiments. Children are taught to think scientifically and ask questions. Problem solving activities and investigations are used to engage children in their learning; these activities often have a real life context.
The delivery of science teaching at Howard Park places an emphasis on scientific investigations and practical activities which are based on real world scenarios. Science is taught in weekly lessons and is also delivered through cross curricular links in other subjects. Approximately 60 minutes are allocated to the explicit teaching of science per week. Science lessons are differentiated according to children’s learning requirements. This ensures all groups of learners can access the curriculum and make progress in each session. Care is taken to ensure progression from the foundation stage and throughout key stages 1 and 2. When topics are revisited, another layer of knowledge and skills are added. The study of science is based on the 2014 national curriculum. All units of science from the national curriculum are mapped out in the schools long and medium term planning and refined in short term planning. This ensures statutory content and skills are covered. We use a variety of schemes of work including the Kent scheme of work to ensure coverage of the programme of study for science. This scheme of work is adapted by teaching staff in accordance with the learning needs of the children across the school.