The Senior Leadership Team
- Mr Pickles, Headteacher, Safeguarding Lead, Geography Lead
- Mrs Simper, Deputy Head, SENDCo, Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Our School Dog
- Eddie, Reading and Rewards Dog
Teaching Staff
- Mrs McPherson, Assistant Headteacher, EYFS Lead
- Mrs Bentley, Nursery Nurse
- Mrs Newby, Reception Teacher, History Lead
- Miss Ombler, Y4 Teacher, Science Lead
- Mrs Lancaster, Y2 Teacher, Maths Lead
- Mrs Snowden, Y3 Teacher, PE Lead
- Mr White, Y4 Teacher
- Mrs Pickles, Y5 Teacher, Computing Lead
- Mrs Jinks, Y5 Teacher, PSHE, RE Lead
- Miss Lancaster, Y5 Teacher
- Mrs Marcuccio, Y6 Teacher, Art Lead
- Mrs King, Reception Teacher, Music Lead
Support Staff
- Mrs Woodcock, 1-1 Support, After-School Club
- Mrs Coles, Classroom Support
- Miss Cheema, 1-1 Support
- Mrs Wallace, 1-1 Support
- Mrs Altritch. Classroom Support
- Mrs Smith, Reading Support
- Mrs Denning, Classroom Support
- Mrs Spence, Classroom Support
- Mrs Rockhall, 1-1 Support
- Mrs Ormondroyd, Classroom Support
- Miss Cain, Classroom Support.
- Mrs Hanrahan, 1-1 Support
Additional Teaching Staff
- Mrs Galloway, Nurture Lead, Deputy Safeguarding Lead, Breakfast Club Lead
- Mr Strudwick, PE and Sports Coach
- Mrs Sowerby, Intervention Team
- Mrs Kelly, Intervention Team
The School Support Team
- Mr Ramshaw, Site Manager
- Mrs Farrell, Bursar, Deputy Safeguarding Lead, Family Support
- Mrs Hudson, Receptionist
The Wrap Round Care Team
- Mrs Galloway, Nurture Lead, Deputy Safeguarding Lead, Breakfast Club Lead
- Mrs Woodcock, 1-1 Support, After-School Club
- Miss Hay, Breakfast and After-School Club
- Mrs Yates, Breakfast Club
The Catering Team
- Mrs Parkinson, Head Chef
- Mrs Griffiths, Chef
- Mrs Moore,