Our Finance and Premises committee meet at least every term. The main function of the committee is to ensure that school is spending money effectively and achieving best value. Every year it oversees the budget that the school has set to help ensure financial sustainability. In addition, the Finance and Premises Committee oversee health and safety matters, ensuring that the school building is maintained in a good condition. The Finance and Premises Committee is made up of a selection of Governors from the main Governing Body. The members of the committee for 2022/23 are:

Minutes from Finance and Premises Committee Meetings

Minutes from recent Finance and Premises Committee Meetings
20th January 2020wordpress-pdf-icon
21st April 2020wordpress-pdf-icon
23rd June 2020wordpress-pdf-icon
13th October 2020wordpress-pdf-icon
18h January 2021wordpress-pdf-icon
22nd March 2021wordpress-pdf-icon
1st July 2021wordpress-pdf-icon
1st November 2021wordpress-pdf-icon
19th January 2022wordpress-pdf-icon
30th March 2022wordpress-pdf-icon
4th July 2022wordpress-pdf-icon